Waking up

I keep telling myself I''ll write regularly, but in vain. I do actually have a lot to share with the world about Rizwan. But laziness and other things keep me away.

However, this post is just a collection of photographs of Rizwan, with me or mummy; groggy, half awake or just nonchalantly having his bottle of milk or green tea!

This post is a slice of our life with bhaiyya! All photos are taken on my bad quality phone camera, so please excuse the quality!

Clinging to Mummy and still not quite up!
Poser, since he's not a big fan of stuff toys,. He an out and out cars and bikes kind of a boy!

My baby! 
At my place, he hates staying away from mummy, but I bribed him into spending the night at my house.

Picture clicked to be BBM'ed to mummy early in the morning!


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