Six years in Delhi introduced me to three types of people; Big towners and small towners. And Prashant introduced me to the really small towners. Go***d is a big towner. I am a small towner and Prashant, in his own words is a really small towner. So that should be Delhi, Lucknow and Faisabad . This distinction is not really as bad as the caste system, but almost nearly. While the big towner is curious, whether Lucknow has internet, the small towner and poor cousin, the even smaller Towner, are wondering, “how’d we make it to your terrain?” But the big towner insists and “I say, of course!” “Do you have Mac Donald’s?” “No.” “You have Cable TV.” “Listen, I don’t know what impression you have of small towns, but I think you should really go and have a look yourself.” “So if everything is so cool there, why do you have to come to Delhi?” No answer to that. One year in the film industry has taught me the “other kind of small towness.” This one is a residue of the “struggler, Andheri-surburb...
(An Article written by our mother, Meera) 3yr old It was a happy day when I had my second baby boy. Everything was so beautiful and new. But, on the third day my baby fell ill with a stomach infection and started having motions. By the fifth day he was totally dehydrated. Then began the rush with high dose medicines. A cut was opened in his vein and drips were administered. We were all praying. Seeing my three day old braced with medical paraphernalia made me anxious and nervous. God heard our fervent prayers, Rizwan recuperated. All seemed to go well till he was 7-8 months, but then we realized that he still could not balance his head. From there commenced a saga of many trips to doctors and hospitals. My June (Rizwan) was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This came as a shock. Honestly, we had never heard of it before. After recovering from the initial shock began the reality of everyday life. June was sp...
Mummy went to Mysore to attend Mysha's first birthday. And i got to play Choti Mummy to June. Initially, both Mummy and I were apprehensive about June Bhai staying away from her for 5 days, but we managed well! This was the first time, I was babysitting him all by myself. Also, i couldn't have done it without Sumit, my husband's support. First day went smooth, because June thought it was just one of his night outs at my house, and then the second day onwards, he was bored, sad, introspective and naughty to say the least. Over the years, June, has become very sensitive, he understands a lot more than he used to a few years back. So, i gather he made sense that mummy was not in town. Partly, also because i kept telling him 'mummy ghummy karne gayi hain' (she's travelling, my nonsense talk that probably, only June understands!) So, we were pleasantly surprised when June declined my elder brother's offer of returning with him to his home, and inste...