Walking around

I've been in and out of jobs for a while now. A glorified labourers job got me to Delhi recently. Not being able to keep up with the sheer weight of my job, I quit. Telling myself I would never again want to work with an American DoP. I also consoled myself by saying I could get another job anytime I wanted. So, I rushed myself into some "research type" of work this time, no lifting moniters and running for apple boxes or messing with messy film inside the changing bag.

I am very serious about professional photography. I also work with a very established cinematographer in Mumbai. I had never before thought making camera my professional choice would be so shaken because of not being able to lift it long enough for others to feel "she can do it" This film of course had a very unlike bollywood work culture. Here, the Assistant camera person, in my case, camerawoman ( a term no one quite uses) does all the work a camera attendant does in Mumbai. That work involves lifting the camera and other paraphenelia (kgs and kgs of it) whereas, in Mumbai, the assistant helps around in lighting and getting the lights placed.

Well not being able to run behind the cameraman, with the lens box, the camera box, the changing bag, the stock- fresh and exposed, the changing table, the apple box for the director, the DoP and ofcourse the monitor, which we could never place well enough to please "her highness" the Director.

I'm sure I did the right thing by walking out of that project, but I just hope they are treating my replacement at that job better. As for me, I'm never ever going to work on a low budget crossover film again. Its one thing to help someone make a film, but its another thing to force your already under staffed crew to do all your dirty work without credit.


awara said…
ur blog is damn interesting.i think trying to go into the blogs of other mcrcites is one of the best things i did in recent times.

its funny.i'm cribbing about the 9to whatever job,going to office.it is too stifling and at times demeaning.dreams of working as a freelancer possibly in a cross over movie.isnt it funny?may be as the say,grass is greener on the other side.
post more often man.itz interesting
awara said…
ur blog is damn interesting.i think trying to go into the blogs of other mcrcites is one of the best things i did in recent times.

its funny.i'm cribbing about the 9to whatever job,going to office.it is too stifling and at times demeaning.dreams of working as a freelancer possibly in a cross over movie.isnt it funny?may be as the say,grass is greener on the other side.
post more often man.itz interesting

3:32 AM

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